Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Belly Pictures

I am currently 19 weeks and feeling great! I had a doctors appointment last week and I gained 4 pounds! I get weekly updates of the size of the baby and last week it was a Sweet Potato. When I told Andrew he said Sweet Tater Tot! This week the baby is the size of a mango :)

We were up in Gainesville this past weekend for Pat and Kari's graduation. I have to say this and I know I'm not his mom but.... I remember picking him up after school from 6th grade so he didn't have to walk home and now he is graduating from college!!! I'm feeling older the more I talk about it. Allison is married, Pat graduated from college and we are having a baby! Oh my where did the time go? We had a great time celebrating this weekend with them and the families! We also celebrated Debbie's birthday, it was a busy busy weekend!

On top of the graduations and birthday party we were able to see friends from school that still live up there! Dave, Dani and their little one Cori (who is sooooo good) and we can't forget Maverick :) It was great to finally meet Miss Cori she truly is a great baby. We also stayed with Tyler (thank you again) where our crazy schedules only let us see each other very briefly but it was still great to hang out and catch up on life.

So here they are finally.... belly pictures. There isn't too much yet but don't worry it's coming! I hope everyone enjoys the bump pictures there will be more in the future!
First picture is at 12 weeks
Second is at 18 weeks

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